Three bad habits that are hurting your eyes
Our eyes help us to see the world around us. They make it possible for us to drive, read the written word and observe the beauty of Mother Nature. Our eyes are also incredibly durable. In fact, they’re one of the fastest healing body parts. With adequate care, a corneal scratch can heal in a … Continue reading Three bad habits that are hurting your eyes
Return to school with fashionable glasses
In the next few weeks, kids and teachers will be headed back-to-school for another year of reading, writing and arithmetic. Summer fun will be left behind with its swimming, camping and constant outdoor life. In place of those carefree days is the return to routines, chores, and normalcy. As you prepare for the new school … Continue reading Return to school with fashionable glasses

Have you scheduled you child’s back-to-school eye exam?
It’s closing in on the end of summer; can you believe it? Where did the time go? Between taking the kids to the beach, watching them play in the swimming pool and hauling them here, there and everywhere else, the time has suddenly crept up on you. In just a few weeks your kids will … Continue reading Have you scheduled you child’s back-to-school eye exam?

Eyeglasses: the must-have hot new fashion accessory
Did you know wearing glasses has come of age? Yes, indeed. Perhaps you were teased as a kid on the school playground because you wore glasses: “Hey, four eyes,” or someone made fun of you because you had to wear bifocals that were as thick as a Coke bottle’s bottom. Well, wearing glasses has now … Continue reading Eyeglasses: the must-have hot new fashion accessory
Is poor vision keeping you from your summer reading list?
Sitting at the beach on a beautiful summer day is a luxury that should be enjoyed. Many of us work 40 hours or more each week and it’s nice to have a few hours on the weekend to lounge near a body of water and catch up on a good book. Your Saturday mornings all … Continue reading Is poor vision keeping you from your summer reading list?

Is LASIK surgery for you?
You’ve just come home after a long day at the office and you’re ready to crash. After a bite to eat, a hot shower, and a few minutes to catch your breath, it’s time to kick back and relax. With that, you decide to catch a few minutes of your favorite TV show, so you … Continue reading Is LASIK surgery for you?
Stare at screens all day? Take care of your eyes.
You’re staring at one right now. Chances are, you look at them for the majority of your waking hours. We can’t get away from them as more and more creep into our everyday lives. We’re talking about screens. You know, the tiny smartphone screen you check social media on. The big screen you watch your … Continue reading Stare at screens all day? Take care of your eyes.
Is it time for bifocal or progressive lenses?
Bifocals are a kind of eyeglass that have a line that separates the lenses into two. If you grew up during the 70s and 80s, you probably saw a lot of people wearing these. Well, you won’t see them very much now. Today people wear progressive lenses, the same as bifocals but without that obvious … Continue reading Is it time for bifocal or progressive lenses?

If you wear contact lenses, make sure you’re following these best practices
Have you grown tired of wearing eyeglasses day-in-and-day-out? Do you lead an active lifestyle that regularly puts your frames and lenses at risk? Why not make the switch to contacts? Not only are they affordable and easy to use, they come in a variety of types including soft, hard, and disposable. We regularly see patients … Continue reading If you wear contact lenses, make sure you’re following these best practices