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Utah eye Centers - Blog

Eyeglasses: the must-have hot new fashion accessory

Did you know wearing glasses has come of age? Yes, indeed. Perhaps you were teased as a kid on the school playground because you wore glasses: “Hey, four eyes,” or someone made fun of you because you had to wear bifocals that were as thick as a Coke bottle’s bottom. Well, wearing glasses has now … Continue reading Eyeglasses: the must-have hot new fashion accessory

Stare at screens all day? Take care of your eyes.

You’re staring at one right now. Chances are, you look at them for the majority of your waking hours. We can’t get away from them as more and more creep into our everyday lives. We’re talking about screens. You know, the tiny smartphone screen you check social media on. The big screen you watch your … Continue reading Stare at screens all day? Take care of your eyes.

Utah Eye Centers - Blog

If you wear contact lenses, make sure you’re following these best practices

Have you grown tired of wearing eyeglasses day-in-and-day-out? Do you lead an active lifestyle that regularly puts your frames and lenses at risk? Why not make the switch to contacts? Not only are they affordable and easy to use, they come in a variety of types including soft, hard, and disposable. We regularly see patients … Continue reading If you wear contact lenses, make sure you’re following these best practices