What was your last child’s eye exam? Children should have their first eye exam at six months of age, and most teenagers and adults should have an eye exam once a year at least. If you have any concerns or questions between eye exams, you should make an appointment to see us.
Keep an eye out for these issues:
1.) Changes in your child’s vision. Does your child have difficulty reading the blackboard at school? Then you need to make an appointment with us. People with myopia, or nearsightedness, have clear vision at close range but poorer vision at a distance. The problem here is getting your child to tell you about it, which is why routine exams are so important in children.
2.) We rub our eyes when we are tired, when we get dust in our eyes, etc. However, if your child rubs his or her eyes frequently when no irritants are present or when they are not tired, then it could be a sign of vision problems. A child may rub their eyes while doing homework due to eye fatigue or strain when reading or doing homework. Another sign of vision issues is when a child closes one eye for better vision or if their eyes move inward or outward often.
3.) Struggles with reading. It is difficult for children with vision problems to learn to read, develop their reading skills, and achieve success in school. Astigmatism is caused by an abnormal curvature of the cornea, which can cause headaches and eye strain. In order to detect and treat eye problems in children, such as astigmatism, it is important to conduct regular eye exams.
4.) Recurring headaches. Our eye strain prevention classes can help you and your family prevent headaches, typically at the end of the day or after hours of screen time.
A regular eye exam is an important part of overall health, as is keeping an eye on eye health. Our vision specialists are dedicated to helping your entire family. When you’re ready to make an appointment or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call at: (801) 476-0494